In India, there’s a cultural mindset that revolves around financial security. We’re conditioned to save for the future—whether it’s for retirement, emergencies, or leaving a legacy for the next generation. While there’s immense value in building wealth, the question remains: what’s the point of accumulating riches if you don’t enjoy the journey? Too often, we see people pass away with significant wealth but little to no memories of a life well-lived. This isn’t about advocating reckless spending—it’s about finding the balance between living fully today and securing tomorrow. The Saving Overload From a young age, we’re taught the importance of saving. It’s drilled into us to stash away money for a rainy day, sometimes at the expense of enjoying the sunshine. This mindset often leads to over-prioritizing wealth accumulation while neglecting the joys of life—simple or grand. While saving is essential, it shouldn’t come at the cost of experiences. Imagine spending decades amassing a fortun...