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Showing posts from December, 2023

Navigating the Peaks: A Time-Centric Approach to Wealth Creation in the Equity Markets

The remarkable performance of the Indian equity markets in the second half of 2023 echoes the resilience and potential of the Indian economy. The recent surges in the Nifty50 and Sensex, breaking all-time highs, have sparked conversations and opportunities for investors. This momentum is a testament to the belief in the ongoing structural changes that have positively impacted the Indian economic landscape. This also brings more euphoria and questions in the minds of investors. In this blog I will deep dive into the heart of investing, and the factors that affect most investors and how it is crucial to remind ourselves of it.  For both seasoned and novice investors, belief in the investment process is paramount. The market operates in cycles, and acknowledging this fundamental characteristic is essential. In times of prosperity, investors are rewarded for their risk, while during downturns, discipline and the belief that challenging times are temporary become guiding principles. Lon...